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VET Curriculum Management

  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in Australia, delivering Vocational Education and Training (VET) – such as Colleges, TAFE’s and Universities – can now also reap the benefits of using a best-of-breed Curriculum Management System.
  • Using CMS’s rich Mapping capability, the task of ensuring adherence to AQF policies and objectives, such as the AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy is greatly simplified.
  • Whether an organisation is self-accrediting qualifications or is required to gain accreditation through one of the authorised bodies, GITF’s CMS facilitates quality assurance and quality standards for all levels of curricula, from micro-credentials, through VET Qualifications and Units of Competency, all the way to Undergraduate and Postgraduate awards.
VET Course Management
  • Included in the VET functionality, is a sophisticated Trainer Skills Management feature.
  • Registered Training Organisations are required to maintain a register of Trainer Skills, and now you can effortlessly create, and maintain an auditable register of Trainer skills, qualifications, competencies, and capabilities.
  • Definable workflows apply to the skills register, meaning that approvals and due-diligence are readily integrated into your business processes relating to skills management.
A screenshot of a person's profile page on a VET curriculum management platform.
  • The change-tracking capabilities prevalent in the rest of the CMS are also applied in this module, so knowing who changed what and when, can be determined in an instant
  • Available as an optional extra, the suite of VET modules offers enhanced integration with TGA ( to facilitate data population directly from the authoritative source.
  • No more tedious and error-prone cutting and pasting of content relating to ASQA Accredited Courses, Qualifications or Units of Competency. Simply provide the TGA Code and the CMS will be populated with the information you need, where you need it
CMS VET TGA Packaging

Other CMS key features

Course management

Curriculum Design

Curriculum Management System offers a centralised platform to create, amend, and view all types of curriculum—Programs, Courses, and Classes. It features configurable dashboards for easy navigation and a template-driven design for standardisation and flexibility. The system includes an intuitive workflow engine to streamline approvals and a comprehensive reporting tool to monitor curriculum status. This ensures a collaborative, accessible environment that supports the dynamic needs of educational institutions.

Read more About Curriculum Design
Curriculum Mapping icon

Curriculum Mapping

Our Curriculum Management System streamlines curriculum mapping by linking Graduate Attributes to Program Learning Outcomes, Course Learning Outcomes, Assessment Tasks, and Learning Activities. This ensures strategic alignment and comprehensive tracing of each element. Key features include compliance with educational standards, gap identification in program offerings, and advanced tools like heatmaps for visual insights. This streamlined approach supports effective curriculum development and alignment with regulatory requirements.

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Curriculum Management System enhances collaboration by allowing the distribution of curriculum proposals, program rules, and maps for review. Reviewers can provide feedback in real time, with a focus on recent changes thanks to visual change tracking. Features include automated email notifications to streamline review processes and a dashboard for managing and tracking feedback, ensuring an efficient review cycle and accurate record-keeping.

Read more About Collaboration
Curriculum management

Publishing and Integrations

Publish module efficiently manages the distribution of approved curriculum information, ensuring secure and controlled integration with external systems. It provides robust APIs for real-time access and supports seamless connectivity with a variety of systems, including but not limited to, Student Management Systems like Oracle’s PeopleSoft, Ellucian Banner, and other downstream platforms. This versatility ensures consistent and secure dissemination of curriculum data across diverse systems.

Read more About Publishing and Integrations

Online Catalogue

Our Online Academic Catalogue is a flexible and customisable solution for publishing to the Web and PDF. It allows seamless publishing of programs, courses, and curriculum information with options for integration. Universities can tailor the format and layout to meet their specific needs.

The catalogue provides immediate, searchable access to up-to-date academic content for students and staff, enhancing information retrieval. It supports faceted searching to aid in enrollment decisions and is fully responsive, ensuring it functions beautifully on any device.

Read more About Online Catalogue