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HEUG Asia - Hong Kong


Global IT Factory Supports the Future of Higher Education at HEUG Asia – Hong Kong Event

Global IT Factory is excited to announce our sponsorship of the upcoming Higher Education User Group (HEUG) Asia – Hong Kong event. This event is a vital platform for professionals in the higher education sector to exchange insights, learn about the latest trends, and discuss the future of student systems.



Our team members, David Finlay and Nathalie Stanford, will be at the forefront of these discussions, presenting on the topic of “Managing Curriculum as a Strategic Asset.” Their session will delve into the strategic and operational benefits of comprehensive curriculum management systems. Such systems not only shape an institution’s identity but also provide actionable insights and streamline the curriculum lifecycle.

David and Nathalie’s presentation will address how faculty and administrators can map curriculum information to outcomes, demonstrating alignment with relevant quality frameworks. They will also explore how a curriculum management system can enhance organisational efficiency at various stages, from inception, collaborative review, and governance to publishing, evaluations, revisions, and disestablishment.

The session concludes with insights on how a trusted single source of curriculum truth can revolutionise the experiences of students and other key stakeholders. We believe that recognising curriculum as a strategic asset is a significant step towards transforming educational institutions and delivering a more impactful learning experience.

We look forward to the opportunity to connect with thought leaders and educators during the event and collectively discuss ways to shape the future of higher education. Stay tuned for more updates from the event.


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Global IT Factory to Leverage New Oracle Cloud Region in Serbia

We're pleased to share that Oracle has recently opened its first Cloud Region in Southeast Europe, right here in Serbia. This new Oracle Cloud Jovanovac Region is a significant development in the field of cloud computing, offering enhanced capabilities to organisations in the region.

Read more About Global IT Factory to Leverage New Oracle Cloud Region in Serbia