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HEUG Asia 23 Presentation: Transforming Curriculum into a Strategic Asset

Global IT Factory is thrilled to present the insights and knowledge shared during our session at the recent HEUG Asia 23 Conference in Hong Kong. The presentation, titled “Managing Curriculum as a Strategic Asset”, delved deep into the importance of curriculum as a primary asset of an educational institution, influencing not only its identity but also its approach to teaching and learning.

Read more About HEUG Asia 23 Presentation: Transforming Curriculum into a Strategic Asset

Global IT Factory to Leverage New Oracle Cloud Region in Serbia

We’re pleased to share that Oracle has recently opened its first Cloud Region in Southeast Europe, right here in Serbia. This new Oracle Cloud Jovanovac Region is a significant development in the field of cloud computing, offering enhanced capabilities to organisations in the region.

Read more About Global IT Factory to Leverage New Oracle Cloud Region in Serbia

Global IT Factory Supports the Future of Higher Education at HEUG Asia – Hong Kong Event

Global IT Factory is excited to announce our sponsorship of the upcoming Higher Education User Group (HEUG) Asia – Hong Kong event. This event is a vital platform for professionals in the higher education sector to exchange insights, learn about the latest trends, and discuss the future of student systems.


Read more About Global IT Factory Supports the Future of Higher Education at HEUG Asia – Hong Kong Event

Federation University selects Global IT Factory’s Curriculum Management System

We are delighted to announce that we have started the Curriculum Management System implementation at Federation University.

The CMS platform will play a key role in supporting the management and alignment of the curriculum with the University’s strategic objectives in learning and teaching. It will streamline the management, approval and storage of curriculum and program data across Higher Education and VET, and will bring all processes and documents together into one single source of truth.

Read more About Federation University selects Global IT Factory’s Curriculum Management System

Successful CMS Implementation at NUS: Enhancing Efficiency and Collaboration

We are delighted to share the exciting news of the successful go-live of the Curriculum Management System (CMS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Embarking on this journey in October 2021, we have partnered with NUS to transform the way they create, review, approve, and view student curriculum modules and programme proposals.

Read more About Successful CMS Implementation at NUS: Enhancing Efficiency and Collaboration
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